Greenpeace Forest Fires, Factory Farms and Fast Food Campaign

The Campaign

SevenSix Agency worked with Greenpeace UK on an Instagram campaign aimed at addressing the environmental impact of industrially farmed meat sold in the UK, specifically its connection to deforestation in the Amazon.

Focused on dispelling myths and changing perceptions surrounding the issue, the campaign targeted influencers to creatively communicate the urgency of the situation. SevenSix's role involved recruiting influencers to raise awareness, generate outrage, and inspire action, encouraging discussions, content sharing, and petition signing.

By strategically framing the campaign, SevenSix successfully engaged influencers' followers in conversations about the environmental consequences of meat consumption. The campaign not only amplified Greenpeace's message but also prompted tangible actions, aligning with the broader objective of encouraging sustainable practices without alienating those unable to afford higher welfare/organic options.

Post-campaign analysis revealed positive shifts in public perception and a heightened interest in taking active steps toward sustainability, showcasing the campaign's effectiveness in sparking meaningful conversations and inspiring behavioral changes.

The Numbers

6 Posts

182k Cumulative Following

98% Positive Sentiment

8% Engagement Rate

The Content