Wild & Precious: Breaking the Silence Around Dementia

The Campaign

SevenSix Agency worked with creative agency Wongdoody and their client UK Dementia Research Institute to orchestrate a pioneering TikTok campaign aimed at dispelling myths and breaking the silence surrounding dementia, particularly among communities of colour.

The Wild & Precious campaign celebrated life and personal narratives, the campaign empowered influencers to share their cherished memories, highlighting the stark statistics that women, especially women of colour, are more susceptible to dementia.

By weaving storytelling with creative technologies, the influencers engaged their audiences in a positive and impactful manner.

The campaign successfully shifted perceptions around the melancholy subject, contributing to the broader mission of Wild & Precious to raise awareness about dementia among women and foster open conversations, thereby challenging and dispelling societal taboos.

The Numbers

6 Posts

100% Positive Sentiment

10.62% Engagement Rate

125,386 Videos Views

The Content