The SevenSix Creator Club Corner, Featuring Josh Robinson!

Meet our Creator Club feature of the month: Josh Robinson!

Josh has been curating stunning fashion content for the past 3 years, blending high street with vintage pieces to create detailed and unique outfits. Keep reading to delve into his influencer journey, dream brand collaborations, and what inspires him daily.


What is your niche and how long have you been in the influencer space?

My niche is mostly fashion, mixing high street with vintage pieces to layer and create outfits with detail. I’ve been a creator for about 3 years no. I started during Covid and built my following from there.

If you could collaborate with any brand, who would it be and why?

I would collaborate with vintage brands like Glass Onion or Vintage Folk. I love the choice and variety that shopping vintage brings, and you find some amazing one-off pieces!

What inspires you most?

My friends and Instagram inspire me the most. I also have a lot of creators around me who inspire me everyday!

What advice would you give to aspiring influencers who are considering joining the Creator Club?

I would say go for it! It doesn’t matter how many followers you have or your style. If you think you bring something cool and unique, start creating content!

Curious? Good! Take the next step ☟


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Our First Event of 2024, a Creator Strategy & Vision Board Workshop